History in the Making?
We are as thrilled as can be, because Big Foot Zombie has agreed to an interview. This is the first comprehensive talk with the hairy guy that although short is still history in the making.
This interview was made possible by the nice people at DIYdigi who were able to present BFZ with an offer he couldn’t refuse: a full year’s worth vegan snacks.
An Important Chat
He had been eating folks up until around 10 years ago and went from vegetarian to actually closing out all dairy products. How he managed getting this food we may never know but we are thankful for his coming to chat with us today.
First off, thanks for agreeing to communicate with us.
Grrr. No problem.
What gets you up in the morning my friend. What is your big dream?
Grrr. To make the world just a little bit better. Grrr.
How do you see that happening?
Grrr. By eating all people.
Our information was that you are now a vegan.
You humans are messing things up royally. Both sides of the aisle. So you all need to be taken out. There are more of my Big Foot Zombie brothers and sisters than you could ever imagine. Eating all of you would probably only take us a year or two. Grrr.
DIYdigi’s spokesperson runs out of the room at this point and BFZ feasts on the sound recordist.