If You Were Making a Comedic Sales Video, Who Would You Cast as Your Spokesperson? A Cartoon, a Semi-Celeb or Maybe Even Big Foot Zombie Himself?!
If you have decided that you want to do a funny video ad with a spokesperson, deciding what kind of spokesperson you want can be one of your most important choices to make. Why? Because character and environment as depicted in your spot is something you want to get right. Let’s say hypothetically Big Foot […]
How to BigFoot Zombie Become So Darn Popular?
Some say achieving fame is like trying to find your way out of the cold with no clearly marked signs so you are unsure of which way to go. Gaining popularity is not an easy task as a human. So think about how difficult it is for a big scraggly creature who feels the need […]
He’s Elusive but Wants to be Marketed
It’s a little known fact that BigFootZombie had this site created by us because he wanted to get into “this website thing.” The big guy contacted us recently by bird messenger saying he wanted to make a video. We at Home Business Achievers are not in the position right now to be doing things at […]
Bigfoot Zombie Turns Down a Deal
Seeking Relaxation BigFoot Zombie, who is ancient enough to have encountered the evolution of many media types, has finally found a mission: audio cassettes. Some of you will not even know what an audio cassette is. Let’s put it this way, it predates digital music. BFZ became entranced with audio cassettes when he unraveled the […]
BigFoot Zombie and the Fame Factor
We’re Proud of BFZ At BigfootZombie headquarters were exploring the hottest question of the moment which is of course “Is BigfootZombie going to be bigger than just plain Bigfoot because of the current zombie craze?! Fact Checker is Here Since the most recent sighting of BigfootZombie was in the Bronx we have BronxNewsNYC.com in the […]