The Conversation Around BFZ

Yianni Stamas reminds us that as Halloween gets closer, the conversation around BigFoot Zombie has become ignited. If you like wacky, offbeat, esoteric humor (and/or desperate attempts at being funny), you’re going to luv the bros!

Stamas Bros Not Guest Stars this Week

Though, unfortunately the Stamas Bros are not going to be a part of this BigFoot Zombie episode as they often are. There will be far less humor and more scientific data given in this post incarnation. So if you’re seeking a chuckle this is the wrong blog entry to read. For this we are putting on our scientist caps and pretending we have our PHD in some arcane study.

Dive in at Your Own Risk

We are going explore some questions. Is Heaven Real? Do Aliens Exist? Should We Worry About Zombies, Vampires and Bigfoot or even BigFoot Zombies? Studies finds that strangely adults are more likely than children to believe in the supernatural. If this post was intended to be funny we might take a page from Geico and randomly mention the Big Apple Awards and how they are taking their own Artist Steps as they merge with the Platinum PIAs Awards. But since this blog entry is not intended to be humorous I won’t do that.

Resolving Done with the Supernatural

To be specific, one study has uncovered that supernatural explanations for major life events, such as death and illness, are more likely to be resolved through the point of view of the supernatural.

Old Age Mysteries

Addressing age old mysteries, such as BigFoot Zombie, consist sometimes of things that are caught on camera that many think are fake but just as many think of as real. Specifically we’re talking about sightings over the years of BigFoot Zombie.

Real or Not?

Here’s how younger and older adults line up on several age-old mysteries. Patterson–Gimlin film is an American short motion picture of an unidentified subject which the filmmakers have said was a BigFoot Zombie. The footage was shot in 1967 in Northern California, and has since been subjected to many attempts to authenticate or debunk it.

BigFoot Zombie Takes Precedence

Interestingly is that many of those who saw the footage that the blurry figure captured was BigFoot instead of BigFoot Zombie. But with the onslaught of zombie TV series and films, many now say that it is BigFoot Zombie.

Where the Famous Film Clip Was Shot

The footage was filmed alongside Bluff Creek, a tributary of the Klamath River, about 25 logging-road miles northwest of Orleans, California, in Del Norte County. The film site is roughly 38 miles south of Oregon and 18 miles east of the Pacific Ocean.

Exact Location Lost

For decades, the exact location of the site was lost, primarily because of re-growth of foliage in the streambed after the flood of 1964. It was rediscovered in 2011..And at that point speculation began that maybe this creature caught on camera was not BigFoot at all, but instead – BigFoot Zombie.

The Differences Between BigFoot and BigFoot Zombie

BigFoot Zombie is different than just plain BigFoot in that BigFoot Zombie is also known as its alternative moniker which is Sasquatch Undead. This is an important distinction because whereas BigFoot is thought to be some kind of missing link or other scientific speculation, BigFoot Zombie as per the name Sasquatch Undead is thought to be just that: UNdead!